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Kevin Travis is a multi-genre author. He has written middle grade, young adult, Christian Fiction and a biography. His books are available on Amazon. Signed copies may be purchased by contacting the author.

Home Run from Heaven

ISBN-13: 978-1480102330


Dylan Bell, a freshman in high school, grew up idolizing his father, who played ten years of Major League Baseball. When his father passed away because of cancer, Dylan was heartbroken. But thanks to a loving family, a supportive girlfriend, a close bond with teammates, a crazy puppy, and a strong faith, Dylan grows as a baseball player and as a young man. With a little bit of help, and a lot of faith, Dylan just may be able to lead the Hudson Redmen to a place they have never been before in school history.

Beautifully Different

ISBN-13: 978-1546432838


Cameron is a beautiful 9-year-old girl. Born with cerebral palsy, she faces enormous challenges daily, such as walking, talking, and eating. Skyler is a beautiful high school freshman softball star. She has everything going for her. Or so it would seem. Both girls are tormented by bullies. Cameron and Skyler find each other during a Special Needs League baseball game. A friendship quickly blossoms. Using inspiration and faith, together they look to make a difference. Together, they are beautifully different.

Heavenly Touch

ISBN-13: 978-1519605962


If you could do anything in the world that you wanted, or if you could go anywhere in the world that you wanted, or if you could have anything in the world that you wanted, what would it be? It could be anything, but it could be for just one day. 
Gabriel Bell, a standout baseball player for the Cleveland Indians, would often ponder those questions with his cousin while growing up. One day something tragic and yet special happens to Gabriel. He begins to look at those questions in a completely new light. 
With some help from above, Gabriel looks to shine his light on others.

Skyler's Magical Christmas

ISBN-13: 978-1481193986


Skyler has been a good girl all year long. The sweet, silly, pretty eight-year-old, who has long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a huge smile, wants what many kids want for Christmas. Skyler wants a puppy. The family already owns one dog, an old, quiet gal by the name of Tasha. But Skyler wants a puppy to call her very own. When Skyler wakes up and races to see what is under the tree on Christmas morning, she sees that her wish has come true. She gets a cute puppy that she names Rowdy. But that’s not the only surprise Skyler gets. The Magical Christmas Dog Biscuits that Santa gives Skyler for the dogs make for an even bigger surprise. It all leads to some silly adventures for Skyler, Rowdy, and Tasha.

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